Drinking Lots of Coffee May Prevent Erectile Dysfunction, According to New Study
Drinking two to three cups of coffee per day reduces the incidence of erectile dysfunction (ED), according to a new study published in the journal PLOS One.
Drinking two to three cups of coffee per day reduces the incidence of erectile dysfunction (ED), according to a new study published in the journal PLOS One.
Doing a u-turn in preparation to run away from Newport, I spotted out of the corner of my eye this sign, as remembered a recommendation from someone that I needed […]
As macs go…this was another one. Not too commercial (taint wise), but still very dark. Apparently they also have single origin coffees here, but not today. Bit of a shame […]
O_o hang on a sec. Went to Brothers Albert expecting to find @Meccacoffee and found this instead. It can’t really be a year and a half since I was here […]
The goal of this study was to examine the effect of sharp versus dull grinder burrs on the ability of water to saturate a puck of espresso grinds. To assess the level of saturation, post-brew water retained in the puck was recorded. No difference was seen in water retention for the sharp versus dull burr conditions.
Sure, it is a little wet outside. But that’s no excuse not to start off #coffeemornings with a bang. And a bang it is. This little coffee is the #COE […]
And the Costa Rica that you should be looking for, looks remarkably similar to this…
But all was not lost. I tried this @tobysestatecoffee Costa Rica Monte Brisas Finca Salaca red honey as a chemex, and all was forgiven. This is a fantastic coffee. With […]
I also tried the Kenya Kyuu AA as a mac hoping that the milk would kill some of the dark bitterness, and to an extent it did. If you are […]