Dose Espresso – Willoughby

6/187-191 High St Willoughby NSW 2068
Coffee: Di Gabriel
Passion: 8/10
Crema: 7/10

Dose Espresso - Willoughby
It was the best of coffees, it was the worst of coffees..

Yeah, I know it is a blatant rip off of Charles Dickens but having been to this cafe a few times now, my experience has really ranged quite significantly. And yet, over all it is the passion that is shown by those who work here that wins through in the end. It goes to show that while the coffee and atmosphere are important ingredients to consider when choosing cafes, the passion of the staff is the trump card.

One must be careful though with passion as it can often lead you off a cliff as you experiment with coffee. This was the case with my worst experience here. Where as I love to have a cold drip coffee to experience the lighter flavours in the back notes of the coffee, I tried one here that was infused with fruit. Imagine mixing a slushie with coffee. Yeah… not really my cup of tea (though still quite popular by all accounts). While they get bonus points for trying something new, there are some things that should stay unblemished..if possible.

Anyway, that aside, the number of awesome coffees I’ve had here certainly out number the bad. Something which I especially enjoy is that the staff happily inform me of what coffee is working the best that day, and the best way to try it. While today’s coffee was not the greatest example of this, a Rwanda (Buf) double espresso which kinda of underperformed, it was still enjoyable.

So if you are able to fight through the horde of mums who’ve dropped off their kids at school and find a place to sit, this is a cafe that’ll do a great job giving you a coffee experience.

No public WiFi is available
The is #powerwhoring available on the back table next to the roaster.
Single origin coffees are always available.
Cold drip coffee is here now and then.

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