Ritual Coffee Traders – Northbridge

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Passion: 10/10
Crema: 10/10
Coffee: Gabriel Coffee

Cafe Review

Easily one of the most passionate baristas from the Dose Espresso team, opened up his own cafe, and the rest is history. This somewhat hidden gem is easily the best coffee in Northbridge, and one of the many awesome cafes that exist beyond the bridge.

But why is it awesome? In my opinion, Ritual has consistently provided the best form of Gabriel Coffee in Sydney. There is a real desire to make fantastic coffee which comes through in spades.

With single origin coffees always on hand, and the occasional guest roast, if you are driving by in need of coffee, this is where you should be stopping.

P.S. It is T/A only from 3-3:30pm

0407 455 555 Facebook

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Ritual Coffee Traders – Northbridge

160 Sailors Bay Rd Northbridge NSW 2063
  • Monday6:00 - 15:0015:00 - 15:30
  • Tuesday6:00 - 15:0015:00 - 15:30
  • Wednesday6:00 - 15:0015:00 - 15:30
  • Thursday6:00 - 15:0015:00 - 15:30
  • Friday6:00 - 15:0015:00 - 15:30
  • Saturday7:00 - 15:0015:00 - 15:30
  • Sunday6:30 - 14:0014:00 - 14:30

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