Xmas Coffee Wishlist

With the silly season well under-way, you might be looking for some ideas on what to get your coffee snob for Xmas. Below it a list of things in various price ranges that should make any coffee snob happy (starting with the most expensive and working down to something more reasonable).

The particular focus of these presents is being able to make awesome coffee at home. In the past there has been a focus on getting people to buy their own espresso machine at home, but if the best quality coffee is what you are after, you first need to get an awesome grinder.


In this list of potential coffee gifts I have mentioned 3 different types of grinders. The Forte is the best of the bunch, giving you the most amount of control when dialing in your grinds. It also has a built in scale that doses out and grinds only as much coffee as you want to use.

The Encore is at the cheaper end of the Baratza scale, focusing purely on doing a good job of grinding filter coffee. You should not be buying this one if you are wanting to make espresso.

And the Lido 2 is a premium manual grinder, almost too heavy to be portable, that does a surprisingly great job at various grinds of coffee.

N.B. If they don’t have a grinder at home, this is a must


Scales go hand in hand with coffee these days, and if you don’t have one (or a few) then you are making it hard on yourself. Even though the Forte has a built in scale for the grinds, if you are going to make a filter coffee, or an espresso, knowing exactly how much water/coffee you’ve used is important.

Both the Acaia and the Hario scales will do an awesome job for you. The connectivity to your mobile device and possible recipes make the Acaia more expensive, but the Hario does everything that you could need.

Other Bits and Pieces

The rest of the recommendations are pretty straight forward. The Bonavita electric kettle will give you better control of the water tem and delivery. The Aeropress, Chemex and v60 will give you the best options for making delicious coffee at home. And the digital thermometer will help you understand how delicious coffee can be at multiple temperatures.

I hope that this list help you make a coffee snob very happy this Xmas.

Name Price
Baratza Forte $960
Lido 2 $230
Baratza Encore $180
Acaia Scale $180
Bonavita Electric Kettle $110
Hario v60 Scale $65
Chemex 6 Cup $60
AeroPress $40-60
Hario v60 $10-45
Digital Thermometer $10-40


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