Piccolo Latte – House Blend – Salvage Speciality Coffee (35/40)

Having enjoyed the latest blend on offer, I was then brought out a piccolo latte and told to try the difference with milk. I am not sure if you have noticed, but I am not a milk drinker…..but I did…and it was AMAZING. While I was not able to inish the beverage (for the benefit of those around me), what I had was totally unexpected. Apparently this cafe uses jersey milk which, with its natural sweetness, accentuated the undertones of the coffee where normal milk would have simply covered them up. The aroma was of honey, much more distinct than that of the espresso of the blend, and the flavours of the berries was still there at the edges.

No idea how they got this to work, but what ever it is that they are doing, they need to keep doing.

Go to cafe page


(1 Offensive – 10 Drool worthy)

(1 Couldn’t finish – 10 Amazing)
After Taste

(1 Vinegar – 10 Clean/Warm)

(1 crap – 10 Stunning)
Over All 35/40
