Mars Hill Cafe – Parramatta

Driving around looking for coffee on the weekend is no fun. Most places you want to go to are closed, and yet, upon the recommendation of Twitter I came across Mars Hill. At first I was worried I wouldn’t find a park until I noticed there is a car pack behind the  cafe. Once there, I liked the relaxed atmosphere of the cafe and the display of board games. Clearly they have no problem with people overstaying their welcome.

But it was also this relaxed atmosphere that slightly marred my experience there. Wasn’t clear if there was table service or not so I spent the first minute or two waiting, then cueing, then trying to find out what coffee they used. All of this should have led me not to expect my coffee with any sort of speed, and had it, it would have been right. While not particularly busy, everything seemed kind of laid back…. (and yes I mean slow).

When the coffee did arrive, a mac, I was happy with the presentation and the amount of milk, so they were off to a good start.  While not providing anything noteworthy in terms of aroma or flavour, it was a robust coffee that tasted good. What more should you expect? I did stand up to get another coffee (noticing that if you check in with FourSquare, you get a free small coffee), but after a minute of waiting again I decided otherwise.

If you have the time and the patience, I think most people would enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of this cafe, and it certainly gets recommend enough to suggest that it is popularity has not entirely wained. While I wasn’t blown away with the coffee, it certainly was not horrendous. I am not sure how it would stand up to the quality that some of the newer cafes in that area are producing, but… it is what it is.