Fluid Espresso – Beaconsfield

Fluid Espresso

157 Queen Street,Beaconsfiled NSW 2015 (02) 9690 1445

James Fridley/BitterBliss

Given the hot tip from a random customer of another cafe I was at I made my way here, struggling to find parking, to try out a new cafe. I was surprised to find that having only changed owners a few weeks ago, it really was a new cafe. While I don’t have a lot of experience with cafes in the area, it seems like these guys should do well here.

I started off with a guest espresso from a Thalanas Estate Indian Arabica AA (Elephant Hills Coffee) which was deliciously light and fresh on the palate. Would have loved to try it as a batch coffee as it seems that alot of the flavour profile remained hidden in the depths of the espresso. Still, it was delicious.

I then switched over to what is being used as the house blend here, a seasonal espresso blend from Axil Coffee Roasters, apparently one of the only cafes in Sydney to be serving it, and it was sweet and fruity, but well balanced, with no aggressive after-taste. Either way, it was something different and enjoyable. It will be interesting to see in more cafes around Sydney cotton on to this roaster.

As a cafe, the look and feel is fantastic. Like an oasis away from the backstreets of Beaconsfield, this cafe is relaxed and comfy. While still finding their feet a little, they certainly would be my pick for a cafe to visit in this area. I hope they continue to expand the range of coffees available and keep up with the guest espressos.


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