Pablo & Rusty’s Gordon – Aeropress

Having already consumed a double espresso with a Brazilian single origin, I figured I’d slow the pace down and try an aeropress of a El Salvador single origin, and was rewarded with another interesting coffee. This one was from El Borbollon of the Santa Anna region, and was a red bourbon varietal. I am starting to consider the filter variety to be the sunset of coffees. Not because there is nothing after it, but because like a sunset, you think you have enjoyed it until you wait 5min more and it gets better…..and better…. etc.

As a freshly served hot filter, it provided a rich earthy, and somewhat nutty flavour with a heady aroma, and yet as it cooled it transformed into a mellow English breakfast tea with a clean shiitaki mushroom finish. You could say that this is the difference between crap filter coffee and the single origin stuff. This stuff means you can.. and you should .. take your time.
